Our Mission
Surviving Tribulation, Rapture Preparedness and Legacy Planning for Loved Ones
Surviving, Tribulation, Rapture, Apocalypse, Second Coming
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Our Mission


Who we are & what we believe.

Dedicated to preparing your loved ones for the rapture.

Offering hope to friends & family after the Rapture –
how to cope with grief and loss

preparing for your passing

Before you pass away or are raptured? Leave your family the greatest gift of all – how to be saved.

Like retirement planning, the Surviving Tribulation Kit prepares your loved ones after your unexpected disappearance from this life. You want your family members that were left behind to know you have taken care of them as best you could with a full explanation of what happened and what to expect in the days ahead.

Some comforting words
from our founder.

Gino Nave

The belief of the Rapture of the Christian church is a controversial one for sure. While some Christians believe it will occur before the Great Tribulation Period in the book of Revelation in the Bible, many Christians believe it is more metaphorical in nature. Are you willing to take that risk? Why not prepare yourself and loved ones in case it does. If they are left but you are gone, wouldn’t you like to leave them what they need to know to get to Heaven eventually?



There is no doubt that with every generation that passes, it seems like this world just couldn’t get any darker, it all of a sudden does. The problem is that we can’t wish it to happen, or pray for it to happen for that matter, but we can do is our part to bring about “On Earth as it is in Heaven”. This is what rapture readiness preparation is all about…

Surviving Tribulation Kit: Don’t Leave Family Without It.